Page 11 - IIM Raipur Placement Brochure 2018-19_09.07.18
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A Degree of Difference
Academic Opportunities at IIM Raipur
Higher Degree Higher Purpose
Doctoral Programmes:
Fellow Programme in Management (FPM)
Executive Fellow Programme in Management (EFPM)
Post-Graduate Programmes:
Post-Graduate Programme in Management (PGP)
Post-Graduate Programme in Management for
Working Executives (PGPWE)
Executive Education: IIM Raipur’s pedagogy continuously strives to impart
students with practical knowledge by introducing
Management Development Programme (In Company) them solve not less than 350 cases and a multitude
Advanced Management Programme of simulations over a period of 6 trimesters. The cases
and simulations are carefully chosen from esteemed
The objectives of the two-year sources like Harvard Business Publication, Richard-
Postgraduate Programme are: Ivey etc. In addition to the Case-method, IIM Raipur
constantly invites Industry experts to share real-
time perspectives. All this when coupled with the
• To understand the socio-economic, technological, strong theoretical knowledge, provides students a
ecological and political environment of India and Global perspective and an ability to address wide
the world array of challenges. The pedagogy thus developed
• To hone the problem-solving skills, increase the attracts students from various backgrounds like Arts,
affinity to innovation and inculcate the passion Commerce, Engineering, Humanities and Sciences,
for creativity Medicine and Pharmacy.
• To develop global mindset to meet the challenges
of international market and to work in a cross-
cultural environment
• To develop a sense of social purpose for
managerial decision-making and to develop
leadership capabilities without compromising on
ethical values
Indian Institute of Management Raipur 9