Page 8 - IIM Raipur Placement Brochure 2018-19_09.07.18
P. 8


              A NEW AGE TOWN

              On  November  1,  2000,  Chhattisgarh—the  26th   economy which has witnessed a double digit growth
              state  of  the  Union  of  India—came  into  existence   for close to eight years since 2006.
              after  the  division  of  Madhya  Pradesh.  Seeing  the   Among the many successful policies and development
              plight, neglect and slow development of the region,   projects, one of the most ambitious ventures by the
              former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee decided   state government is Naya Raipur, Chhattisgarh’s new
              to create the new state of Chhattisgarh. On its first   capital city, which was recognized as world’s first ever
              Foundation  day,  all  that  Chhattisgarh  had  were   integrated township in January 2017.
              unexplored reserves, an undermined local population,
              a few dams and insurgency concerns. The birth of   It caters to the need of the various industrial areas
              Chhattisgarh made the impression that another     nearby like Bhilai, Bilaspur, Urla, Sirgitti and Bhanpuri
              backward, underdeveloped and gloomy region would   which made the state one of the leading producers
              now get recognition on the map of India. In the last   of steel, iron, aluminium, cement, engineering
              14 years of its existence the state has been able to   products, minerals, handloom and blended yarns of
              create a sound economy based on an agricultural   the country.
              sector which has shown impressive growth as well   It is due to these efforts that the state has made
              as industrial production driving by thermal power   great strides in industrial production and is punching
              plants. Chhattisgarh has been consistently ranked   much above its weight when it comes to contribution
              among top 3 investment destinations in the country   to the national economy.
              since 2006. The state of Chhattisgarh has a robust

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