Page 6 - IIM Raipur Placement Brochure 2018-19_09.07.18
P. 6

              Transforming Management,

              Transforming India

              We at IIM Raipur, are committed to prepare students   International academic collaboration and student
              for the challenging economic landscape and create   exchange is a key aspect of our academic strategy.
              graduates who will enrich your business.           International Student Exchange offers the opportunity
                                                                 to study in another country for one academic term or
              We strongly believe in nurturing, training and
              developing the young budding managers and          semester and gain cross-cultural experiences
              contribute ethically to the growth of the nation. The   Our distinctive approach is built on foundational
              institute has endeavoured to march steadily towards   departments integrated with strategic cross-
              its  goal by  promoting excellence  in  academics,   disciplinary initiatives and rich curricular experience.
              research, executive education and international    We offer an environment that requires teamwork and
              relations.                                         encourages risk-taking among colleagues who are as
                                                                 supportive as they are ambitious. Company-specific
              The strength of IIM Raipur lies in its faculty
              quality and students and its innovative approach to   events, Industry-focused networking  events and
              research and teaching. The scholastic and research   real time challenge of strategic importance makes
              environment has been instrumental in attracting the   IIM Raipur a great place to recruit. Our students
              most competent, qualified and experienced faculty   are highly motivated and come from diverse and
              as well as equipping students with strong leadership   well qualified backgrounds. Our pedagogy helps in
              and problem-solving skills, as well as creativity and   students who can respond and adapt quickly. Our
              independence.                                      aim is to build a workforce which will not only assist
                                                                 you,  but effectively  contribute  to business  growth
                                                                 and productivity.

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